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Monday Extract 1 Stick Man

Read extract 1 to your child emphasising the rhythm and rhyme. Clap out the rhythm together and find words tht rhyme. Discuss the spelling patterns in the rhyming words. Find the contractions. What are the dog's favourite trick? Find the phrases that are repeated within the passage: stick, drop it, fetch it. Discuss how the reader changes their voice  when they read the words in italics... 'Stick Man, oh Stick Man, beware of the dog'. 

Stick Man By Julia Donaldson

Stick man goes on an adventure, gets lost but then meets a stranger who helps him.

Tuesday Extract 2 Stick Man

In this extract Stick man is lying in the fire. Circle the phrase 'A Stuck Man …. who could that be? How many letters do we need to change to turn 'Stick Man' into' Stuck Man'?  Highlight the last line written in large print... this creates drama... to make you shout when you read it, because it's surprising.

Wednesday Extract 3 

Read extract 3 to your child. This is an instruction text to make a stick Man. Locate and circle the heading, introduction, What you need. Find the bossy words  … these are verbs. 

Wednesday Create your own Stck Man / Stick Lady

Thursday World Book Day activities - Take a peep in World Book Day Folder.
Friday Speech Bubbles activity
Listen to The Gruffalo's Child. You are going to write a sequel to Stick Man in which the Stick Man's daughter goes on an adventure and meets some of the same characters but gets away each time and is home for tea. 

The Gruffalo's Child - Read by Alan Mandel

