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Well done to our first 4 show and tell students. We loved learning about your objects!

We had lots of fun making the Eiffel Tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows. Thank you to Ella-Rose for her creative solution to our engineering problems.

To celebrate Earth Day we completed a task about how we look after the the planet. We had lots of fun in the Eco Garden after too!

On Monday P5 enjoyed a trip to the shop. We explored the shop for any fair trade products, products that supported the Rainforest Alliance and those that supported farmers through the Cocoa life scheme. We found fruit and discussed the countries they were from, compared the cost of coffee beans and finished with finding out how many chocolate bars support farmers.

On Tuesday we joined over 300 schools to take part in a guided art lesson with artist Sinead Mc Dermott who taught us how to draw these beautiful Easter baskets. Check out our amazing work below.
