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Monday  Shared text : Ace Dragon

This extract explores the difference between real life and fantasy setting, characters and events.

Recall dragon characters in other stories you have read.

I have uploaded a fantasy story to Internet Links folder called 'Not your Typical Dragon'.

Are they usually as polite as Ace?

Complete activity creating you own fantasy dragon.

Tuesday  Shared text : Dinosaurs

Daniel likes to play with dinosaurs. He imagines they are all around him.Use the clues in the pictures to help you decide which dinosaur could do each job best - able to fly....  has a long neck …...very strong  ….. fierce....

Jobs for Dinosaurs -  Match each of the dinosaurs to an everyday job you could imagine them doing!

Wednesday  Shared text : Jake's Journey

Read text together clarify meaning of unfamiliar words eg. open-mouthed.

Identify the real- world and fantasy- world settings and talk about how the two worlds are connected by the magical doorway. Predict what might happen next in the story.

Imagine that a doorway to a fantasy world appears in your bedroom.

What does it look like?    Where does it take you?

Complete the Magic Doorway activity sheet.

Thursday   Share text : Superheroes

Look at the pictures of popular superheroes- discuss their super powers and how they are used to help others.

Think of stories with characters that possess magical powers.

Talk about why these characters are considered to be superheroes... they possess a superpower and use their power to help others.

Draw and describe a superhero character that you would like to create.

